Inside My Body Box

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In this box, we discover what is in our body, starting from the most basic unit – the cell and the DNA it contains. 

Next, check out the brain cube and discover how the brain looks from different perspectives. Then, power up a light using your bare hands! We’ll also have some fun dissecting the human body and learning the names and functions of our internal organs. 

Build an eye model and discover how it helps us see things. Then, it’s time for some sensory fun by creating your very own hand cast and designing your hand trophy! 



  • Aesthetic, Creative Expression and Sensory Play  – DNA model, Hand cast, Hand trophy
  • Cognitive development & Science activities – Human electricity, Human Dissection, Eye model
  • Motor skills & Discovery of the World – Brain model, 3D glasses 
  • Literacy and Social & Emotional Development  Book Activity "What can my body do?", Name this organ


To further stretch learning, extension activities are also provided on our website.

Have more than 1 child? Instead of buying 2 of the same box, simply purchase a sibling pack! It comes with all the consumable materials such as craft materials and tools. Select 'Inside My Body Box + Sibling Pack' to order.