T-shirt tie-dye kit instructions

What you need

T-shirt tie-dye kit

disposable chopstick* (optional)


*Not provided

Step by Step

1. Soak the t-shirt fully in water.

2. Wring off the excess water. The t-shirt should be slightly damp.

3. Hold on to the middle of the t-shirt and twirl the rest of it in a circle. You may also hold up a chopstick in the middle of the t-shirt and twirl the rest of the fabric around the chopstick.

4. Tie up the t-shirt with rubber bands as shown. This tying method achieves spiral prints. Click here to access other tie-dye designs!

5. Put on the plastic gloves and squeeze the dye onto the t-shirt.

6. Put it in the zipper bag for 24 hours for the dye to set.

7. Remove the rubber bands, wash and dry the t-shirt.

8. Wear it and flaunt it!

 You can also read about 3 easy tie-dye styles here

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